Worship lies at the heart of the Wellspring Community's life and concerns. We seek to renew and deepen our spirituality, prayer and worship in our uniquely Australian context.

Our Australian spirituality has much in common with that of other countries, but we are also keen to foster the writing and reflection of particularly Australian experiences and ideas about spirituality and worship.

There is a delight in sensing God in the bush, in the desert, at the coast, on a mountain, in a forest. We value our outdoor experiences, where we read God in creation.
We are also involved in our local congregations of many denominations, contributing to and taking part in relevant, modern expressions of worship while valuing the traditions that have been handed down over the centuries.

Above all we are committed to an approach to worship that is participative, affirming and sharing individual gifts and corporate resources, and recognising that we need God, we need each other, and God needs us, for we are part of the Body - God's hands, eyes, feet in today's world, as St Teresa's famous prayer puts it.

The Community has a strong interest in Celtic spirituality, in spirituality in general, and especially in the development of a contextualised spirituality that reflects the Australian character and landscape . We seek an approach that sees spirituality not as an exercise in pietistic individualised detachment but rather as a multifaceted engagement or centredness in the life of the Spirit, with a clear social dimension and expression. The link between spirituality and social and political commitment from a Christian perspective is central to the Community's purpose and continuing life.
(Adapted from the Iona Community statement on worship).

Easter Dawn Service at Leura overlooking Mount Solitary, Blue Mountains National Park 2019


Worship in the Celtic Meditative Creation Tradition

This is a monthly online worship time in the Iona tradition. It is held on the first Wednesday of each month beginning with an optional 15 minutes catch up. Worship begins on the hour or half hour. Everyone is welcome.

Note: There is no worship evening in the month of January.

The zoom link is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86344756135pwd=WU1xWDlYUjd4OXRrd0wzNUlWTUNUQT09
Meeting ID: 863 4475 6135
Passcode: 863873
Dial by your location
Meeting ID: 863 4475 6135

7.15pm Qld, NSW, Vic, Tas, ACT, 6.45pm SA, 4.15pm WA

Liturgical Resources

Resources for Prayer and Liturgies

Readings and Prayer


Psalm 24:1,2 | Luke 7:36-50


"As winter trees
stretch out bare arms to a dark sky,
we stretch out into the darkness to find the touch of love.
As snowdrops
turn their gentle faces to the sun,
we long to find in that warmth
the promise of peace.
As the fire breaks the shell of the seed,
so may our pain break the shell of isolation
that protects us from ourselves.
In the security of darkness,
the warmth of sunshine,
the promise of fire,
may we blossom anew in the miracle of your saving love
O God."
From "The Pattern of our Days." Edited by Kathy Galloway. p.159.

Recommended Links for Faith and Worship
Sacred Space
Bible Gateway