When you join Wellspring Community you become part of an Australia-wide community of followers of Jesus who seek to...
contribute to a world where all people (particularly the poor and marginalised) live at peace and with justice
grow an Australian spirituality that allows us to worship God in diverse ways.
transform our relationships with ourselves, with our communities, with culture, with creation, and with God
be reconciled to God and to each other and work for mutual respect and recognition between Aboriginal Australians and all other Australians
lead sustainable lives caring for God's Creation
offer hospitality of the heart and inclusion to people of all cultures and LGBTQIA+ identities
respect, value, and learn from other Christian traditions and other faiths.
be generous in our dealings with everyone we meet by offering hospitality to friends and strangers alike.
bring healing through prayer and practical action.
speak truth to power, knowing that we will likely face resistance.
““A prophetic community listens to God, discerns God’s will, and where necessary challenges both church and society.””